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The copyright of this site and its contents, for those parts not specially mentioned, is by Johan Grootveld.

bauer skeeler with softboot and five wheels, from the inline skate tour stories by johan grootveld

Site design by
Ir Grootveld / Blinksoft.

speedskaters with helmets on a recreational skateroute

Inline speedskate tour tales.

At this pages you can read about the athmosphere during my tours as I went through.
Sometimes I explored the parcours myself. This gave many risks of course, like unexpected obstacles and bad road surface. But it also was very adventurous.

I also use the routes described by others, either on screen or on paper.
To feel the athmosphere of it. How does it really feel to skate there?
At least there are the big inline events of course.
Like marathons. Skating for thousends of enthousiastic supporters, along a free swept parcours. Especially for you!!

Did you skate one of these tours or are you intending to do one? What's more exciting then to read here about the experiences by a fellow skater who did it before . . .


Read a story and you'll know about the clue before you start. Or you can still taste the athmosphere long after you finished you mission.

However, there are still many more stories in Dutch waiting for a translation.
If anybody would offer to do a bit of the job,
please contact me...


inline roller skaters on five wheeled speedskates

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